Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Oxstalls Off-Air Recordings 12 - 18 March

Please email oxstallsmediaservices@glos.ac.uk if you would like any of the following series or programmes recording. * *This applies to staff members and students at the University of Gloucestershire. Any recordings made are to be used only for educational and non-commercial purposes under the terms of the ERA Licence.


Wednesday 16th March

Kidult: Marathon Boy 10:00pm - 11:30pm BBC4

Documentary following the story of a four-year-old boy selected by his coach from a slum in India to become the youngest marathon runner ever. The film charts the challenges faced by the pair, and explores the country's poverty and social complexities as well as opening up an ethical and legal debate.


Thursday 17th March

News and current affairs
Charities in Crisis: Tonight 7:30pm - 8:00pm ITV1 London


Fiona Foster examines the potential impact of cuts in state funding for charities looking after the elderly, children, families and the homeless. Many hard-pressed organisations are under threat of closure in the next few months and Fiona investigates what effect this could have on some of the UK's poorest communities.

My New Best Friend 8:00pm - 9:00pm BBC4 Cheltenham 1/3

Exploring the transition from primary to secondary school. The first programme follows four 11-year-old girls' attempts to make friends and settle into a new environment as they leave their prep schools and join the prestigious Cheltenham Ladies' College.


Please email oxstallsmediaservices@glos.ac.uk if you would like any of the following series or programmes recording. * *This applies to staff members and students at the University of Gloucestershire. Any recordings made are to be used only for educational and non-commercial purposes under the terms of the ERA Licence.


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